Tag til taleskriverkonference i London med Rhetor-rabat
Tag til international taleskriverkonference i London, og bliv klogere på, hvordan man skriver gode taler til et internationalt publikum. Lær af andre professionelle taleskrivere og kommunikationsfolks erfaringer, og hør bl.a. Phil Collins, tidligere taleskriver for Tony Blair, og Annelies Breedveld, prisvindende taleskriver for den hollandske forsvarsminister og underviser i public speaking.
Konferencen finder sted i London d. 15.-17. maj 2013 og er arrangeret af The UK Speechwrithers’ Guild.
Læs mere om konferencen og tilmeld dig her, og se invitaionen fra arrangørerne nedenfor. Tilmelder du dig gennem Rhetor, får du 20 procent rabat. Husk at skrive “Rhetor” i kampagnekodefeltet.
Du kan også høre Rhetors Christian Eversbuch fortælle om Hitlers retorik ved UK Speechwrithers’ Guilds konference i september 2012. Podcasten kan høres her
Invitation to Danish speechwriters to attend the UK Speechwriters’ Guild/ European Speechwriter Network London conference 2013
The Danish have an extraordinary gift for speechwriting and they have played a considerable part in helping to create the European Speechwriter Network by attending our conferences as speakers and delegates.
We’re very keen to build further bridges with the Danish speechwriting community.
Our next conference will be on 16 May 2013. The theme of the conference is ‘International Speechwriting’ and the Network has invited an international array of speakers to attend.
The conference will be chaired by Tony Blair’s former speechwriter, Phil Collins.
Among our speakers will be Denise Graveline, who runs a Washington communications agency and edits the blog The Eloquent Woman, Rory Sutherland, who has done a number of brilliant TED presentations, Peter Botting, who trains British MPs and Dr Max Atkinson, a former speechwriter for Lord Ashdown, and author of Lend Me Your Ears.
We will also hear from Dutch speechwriter, and winner of the Cicero prize, Annelies Breedveld and José Iturri, a senior Spanish interpreter at the European Commission’s DG Interpretation. Professor Tim Bale will speak about David Cameron’s speeches and Sarah Setterfield will speak about the psychology of dress.
We’re very keen to maintain and build our links with Danish speechwriters. We’d like to offer a 20% discount on the delegate fee to any Danish speechwriter who wishes to attend. Just put ‘Rhetor’ into the promotion code box to claim your reduction.
To purchase a ticket go to: http://internationalspeechwriting.eventbrite.co.uk/
Brian Jenner
21 March 2013